Continuous Integration with Jenkins Certification - Best Jenkins course - Jenkins Full Training

Become an expert in Jenkins by mastering Build Pipeline, Reporting, Email & Build plugins, Secure Jenkins, Tomcat 7 and other related concepts

Online Self Learning Courses are designed for self-directed training, allowing participants to begin at their convenience with structured training and review exercises to reinforce learning. You'll learn through videos, PPTs and complete assignments, projects and other activities designed to enhance learning outcomes, all at times that are most convenient to you.

Average salary of Jenkins Professional is $110k ( Salary Data)

Learning Objective: In this module, you will learn about what is Continuous Integration(CI), why CI, Best practices in CI and tools for continuous integration.


  • Introduction to continuous integration
  • Advantages of Continuous integration
  • Implementation of continuous integration
  • From Hudson to Jenkins
  • Introduction to Jenkins

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