How To Clone Any Clickfunnels 2021? How to clone sales funnels page in less 30 second

What is clickfunnels ? And How To Clone Sales Funnels Page

Clickfunnels is a tool that makes it possible to create superb sales tunnels. We often think of clickfunnels when we need to create landing pages and pages of a website. Notably to sell infoproducts, create webinars or dropshipping product sales pages. However, the clickfunnels tool goes much further than that by also offering a module to manage email tunnels and create affiliate programs. Two different subscriptions and prices on clickfunnels make it possible to obtain these functionalities.

→ I test for free for 14 days! ←

Clickfunnels, the king of sales tunnel and landing page design

First precision, the word "funnel" means "funnel". We often talk about funnel or sales tunnel in marketing. The terms are the same. The funnel is a sales tunnel where the marketer is aware that the input elements will be less numerous than at the output following a transformation in the said tunnel.
Clickfunnels therefore offers in its standard version at $97 per month :

To create sales tunnels from A to Z to sell product info or physical products.

To design high level pages and landing pages with elements that you can drag and drop to design the page. So there is no need to have any knowledge of html or code.

Use free or paid templates on clickfunnel to sell your products and get a pre-designed and efficient tunnel.

Thus, Clickfunnel is a very reputable and intuitive tool/service allowing you to optimize your site conversions by creating beautiful sales pages. Is the price of $97 per month justified? Yes, because the tool is powerful, responsive, easy to use and it really helps increase conversions. A very simple calculation is to imagine that this tool can make you gain 2% (if not more) on your conversions, greatly increasing your sales according to the number of visitors or prospects. Clickfunnels quickly pays for itself!

The price of clickfunnels and the difference between subscriptions

Clickfunnels offers two different subscriptions with a fairly large price difference:

The standard subscription at $97 allowing to create the tunnels and sales pages.

The subscription at $297, which is $200 more, allows you to create email reminders and affiliate programs with actionetics and backpack tools.

Here again, these tools allow you to increase sales tenfold by allowing you to do mail reminders and work on the long term (LTV) and short term (STV) value of your customers. Affiliation can then come to boost your turnover if you find excellent affiliates!

So, in its first version, clickfunnels is a tool for designing pages and tunnels. With the improved version, you can imagine creating real affiliate programs and work on a whole mail strategy.

ClickFunnels is a useful tool for anyone running an online business or marketing. The software comes with all the features you need for your online business.

You can use ClickFunnels to create attractive landing pages that generate more leads, develop effective sales funnels that make more sales, develop and track your email lists, among other features for your online business.

Although the rates are quite high, purchasing such a tool would be a profitable investment for your business. The software offers many features that would help your business grow.

What is actionetics and what is it for?

Actionetics is the clickfunnel tool that allows to manage mail tunnels. It's simple, once you have captured a visitor's email address, you have to work on it. Give him free content, offer him advantages and finally offer him a product. Actionetics of click funnel allows you to do that:
  • Manage your contacts and email lists.
  • To automate your email sending process a bit like mailchimp, SGrepondeur or sendinblue do.
  • Get data and email templates that you can edit and send directly to your email database according to a scenario or a generalized sending.
This is called an email tunnel, the sequence of emails you will send with actionetics will have the goal to convert your prospect into a future customer!

What is a clickfunnel backpack and what is it for?

If you love affiliate marketing, backpack is the perfect tool to create a real affiliate program and manage your affiliates! In just a few clicks you can define commissions, links and motivate your affiliates to make maximum sales. By the way, I have an affiliate program for my dropshiphacking training where I pay... 65%HT of sales to my affiliates!

Backpack will allow you to :

  • Create affiliate programs to sell your products and services.
  • Track your affiliates and offer them a dashboard to follow their progress.
  • Offer different commission levels.
All of this with an obvious simplicity. I know a lot of systems to set up affiliation (especially with learnybox or sendinowl) and the clickfunnel system is really simple and intuitive!
If you want to test clickfunnels, I invite you to click on this affiliate link to test clickfunnels for free for 14 days.

Alternatives to Clickfunnels

There are of course alternatives to clickfunnels :

  • Learnybox to sell online training and which I personally use to host my trainings.
  • Instapage to create nice sales pages in A/B/C/D testing. It is the most efficient editor I have ever used.
  • Elementor with WordPress to create nice pages for free.
  • Builderall which allows to fulfill a similar role but not yet intuitive enough.

The Big Question : How To Copy A Page In Clickfunnels ?

The Only big tools will help you to clone any sales funnels page is Funnel Miracle

What Is Funnel Miracle?

Funnel Miracle is a new Chrome extension help clone any ClickFunnels page faster and easier than ever before. Brand-new Mirror Funnel Mirror tool allows you to copy funnels millions of dollars in less than 30 seconds. 
Creating a million dollar funnel requires precision, talent and a lot of work. But this work has already been done by a lot of successful companies and product launches, what if you could simply click on a browser button to copy million dollar funnels? Funnel Miracle puts this power in your hands.

How Funnel Miracle Works

Find a page made in CF | Clone it with a single click | Paste it into your editor with just one click | Customize it as if it were your own

Simply put, a Sales Funnel is a series of steps or blocks of content on your website that drives visitors to a conversion (often a sale, but it could also be a newsletter subscription, account opening, opt-in, etc.). The right sales funnel model is incredibly important, and will significantly increase conversions from your normal web traffic.

Funnel Miracle is now one of the best tools will definitely help you Clone Any Clickfunnels and let you grow with your business

Toturial : how to clone sales funnels page

Avis finale sur Clickfunnels

ClickFunnels est l'un des meilleurs logiciels pour tous ceux qui travaillent avec des entonnoirs de vente. Non seulement il vous permettra de créer un nombre illimité d'entonnoirs de vente, mais vous obtiendrez également tous les outils et la formation dont vous avez besoin pour commercialiser et développer vos ventes en ligne.

Ce n'est certainement pas une option bon marché, mais compte tenu des revenus que les entonnoirs de vente peuvent générer, l'investissement en vaut la peine.

Cette étude ClickFunnels est basée sur mon expérience personnelle, veuillez donc utiliser ces informations à titre indicatif uniquement. Je pense que ClickFunnels est devenu le principal outil de marketing en ligne. Et ce n'est pas une surprise.

Ce logiciel offre toutes les solutions dont n'importe qui aurait besoin pour son activité en ligne. La facilité d'utilisation et les différents modèles disponibles en font un outil rentable pour tout entrepreneur en ligne.

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